Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break

Cooper, Abby, Aunt Steph and Uncle Ben came to visit us over spring break. Natalie and Cooper had a blast together! I need to upload some of my pictures and will (hopefully) do that soon! They went to the zoo together, Natural Bridge Caverns, restaurants, shopping, a baby shower, a birthday party, and played a lot.

Natalie's big spring break news was that one of her bottom middle teeth is loose. She loves wiggling it and is having a hard time eating some foods. She's hoping to loose it soon. More pictures to come.

P.S. This is the only time you'll EVER see Natalie wearing a Cyclone shirt! She's a true Longhorn fan for life, and probably only wore it to score points with her aunt and uncle! If I only knew how to use Photoshop!

Scoopin' Poo


What better way to spend the day than scooping poo in your neighbor's backyard?! They have a million toys to play with and ten thousand options, but this one won out!I guess they did get to use a cool shovel and rake, but ewwww!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let's Wii

We bought a Wii for Christmas, but didn't unpackagage it for some reason until this past weekend. Natalie is absolutely loving playing Wii Sports. Her favorite games are tennis, golf, and bowling. I think she'd play half the say if we'd let her!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Talking Dog App

Looking for an app to drive your dogs crazy? Yes, of course there's an app for that! It's called "Talking Dog John." The dog barks, licks, drinks water, gets its bone, passes gas, and repeats what you say in a faced paced, higher pitched tone. Natalie thinks it's hilarious! She laughs hysterically at that dog and loves the great reaction she gets out of our own dogs. I don't know what this talking dog is saying in his barks, but it's enough to get our dogs going for several minutes. It's a great way to get them outside when they're being stubborn to go find the dog. So if you want to annoy your dogs for a while or entertain your young child, this is the app for you!

Planting Flowers


It's getting to be that flower planting time of year again! Natalie and her friend Bella helped plant flowers yesterday afternoon in the warm sunshine. By the way, this picture was taken with my new iPhone. The picture quality seems to be a lot better than the older version.
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Friday, March 4, 2011


Natalie has decided on a name for her new brother: Pancake. She still cannot decide between syrup and butter for a middle name though.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Grandparents Week

It's grandparents week at Natalie's school, so she invited her grandma to come to school, read a book to the class, and share a treat. Natalie enjoyed her visit a lot!