Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A What?!

So....Natalie came home from school today telling us that Tyler is her boyfriend. Say what?!? Mark's ready to get the shotgun polished up.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

If Mark had Long Hair...

Mark showed up about 20 years too late for the Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video tryout...

Natalie was having fun giving Mark long hair today!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cousins & Family

Natalie's great-grandpa on her dad's side passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this psat weekend. Natalie didn't attend the funeral, but she did go to the luncheon held afterwards. Here's a picture of her dad, uncles, and aunt, one of her with Dominique (her second cousin), and Natalie and Austin.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sitting on tiles

Natalie helped her Poppy and Grandma pick out new tile for their house this weekend. She even got a free ride!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Making Cookies

Today Natalie helped me bake some chocolate chip cookies. She likes to add the ingredients, crack the eggs, and help clean up the batter!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Natalie with her 4 legged friends

Riding in the car is an adventure with Rocky and Max along!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mommy's Homework

I think I'd like Natalie's school much more if I didn't have so much homework to do all the time! First it was taking Corduroy bear home with his extensive collection of random paraphernalia. Corduroy and his ensemble traveled to Tennessee with her and that became a project for me once they returned. I had to print out pictures and assemble the book in about an hour's time before school started the following day.

During the week I had to ask Natalie for her favorite recipe, write it out on paper, and have her illustrate it.

Then came the letter home (on bright bold paper) on Friday stating that Natalie is the student of the week this coming week and needs a poster made with pictures, etc... of her for Monday. Now this was not so far back in the distant past that I was just doing a project. I get the concept - Natalie and I are supposed to work on these projects together, but they really become MY projects when it's all said and done! Keep in mind I am always working on my school lesson plans, two grad school classes, and trying to keep my house in somewhat normal condition.

Okay, hope this ends the major projects for a while! Here's the finished product:

Natalie's Weekend Roundup

We started out the weekend by visiting the Witte Museum. We saw their extensive bug collection, the mummy, and the dinosaur exhibit. She loved pressing the buttons to make the dinosaurs move. We also went to the HEB science treehouse.

Yesterday we spent some time with some old friends of ours, Jason and Misty. Natalie had a great time playing with their daughter Mallory. I realized I didn't even take one picture of them together! I'll have to do that on our next visit. The girls played on Mallory's playscape and got in the pool.

Today we ventured out to the zoo. We took Natalie's friend Kamryn with us and they had a great time.

Natalie and Kamryn posed on the turtle at the sand/water area.

The lillypads are one of Natalie's favorite places at the zoo.

Borrowing our hats at the zoo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Natalie has decided that she's going to take showers now instead of baths. We told her if she took showers she'd get a shower curtain and some accessories. She wanted monkeys just like her cousin Cooper, but ultimately decided on a sea theme. Whatever she picked out had to have lime green in it because I don't want to repaint her bathroom. It looks really nice in her bathroom and she is pleased with it.