Thursday, December 29, 2011



Natalie's big news today is that she got her ears pierced! It's all she can talk about! She wants to go earring shopping even though she has to wear these studs for the next six weeks without removing them. A girl has to get her jewelry all lined up and laid out!

Speaking of lining up jewelry...a certain uncle promised her a while back that if she got her ears pierced he was going to buy her a pair of diamond earrings. know who you are, uncle! :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sweet Potatoes and a Bath


Nathan is a sweet potato fan! He was literally covered in them tonight when Natalie fed him. She got sweet potatoes on herself too as she was feeding him. He went right from his high chair to the tub because he was so messy!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Time to Kill at Bass Pro Shops

We had lots of time to kill at Bass Pro Shops today while we waited to take a picture with Santa Claus. We got there around 2:30 pm and couldn't get a pass to take a picture with him until 7pm! Someone was nice enough to give us their 6:30 pm pass which helped a little. We could have left, but traffic was such a nightmare that I don't think I would have wanted to return. So, we hung out, looked around, took lots of pictures, and made the most of it. Luckily there was a carousel to keep Natalie entertained, and Nathan found entertainment in the form of his sock. Natalie has found a new interest in hummingbirds and target practice, so the day was not a complete waste!


Miss Karina's Last Day

Nathan is fortunate to attend a great daycare in our neighborhood. Today was Miss Karina's last day to work at his daycare because she's moving back to her hometown to go to school. While we're happy she is going to finish her education, we'll miss her too because she was so good to Nathan. Best wishes to you, Miss Karina!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Food Time!

Nathan is five months old, so he's been partaking in some foods other than his bottle. A couple of weeks ago he tried a brown rice cereal for the first time. He's on Alimentum formula so we were told to skip cereals altogether. However, we found one, called Happy Bellies, which is wheat free, gluten free, soy free, and dairy free that he's been doing well with eating. (It's really just ground up cardboard!) Last week he tried peas, and this week he is feasting on carrots. He seems to really love it all! Natalie even gets in on the act and asks to feed him once in a while. She doesn't like it when he tries to grab the spoon out of her hand, put his fingers in his mouth along with the spoon, and tries to eat his bib. It seems like he'll be a pretty good eater!

The Grinch

 The Grinch paid me a visit in my classroom last week.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Natalie's Dance Costume

Natalie got her dance recital/competition costume last Tuesday at her class. She had to try it on yesterday at home and pose in front of the Christmas tree. She came up with all of the poses on her own and was not prompted in any way. It's a shame she is so camera shy!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trying on Dance Costumes

Natalie and her dance friends got to try on their recital/competition costumes for the first time today. They even got to dance on them! Having the costume makes it all feel real now. If you're interested in attending her Christmas recital let me know and I can fill you in on the details. She's dancing in two dances so she's really excited and would love to have you attend.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Whatchu Lookin' At?

Nathan has a lot of fun sitting in his high chair playing with toys. Just keep your hands off!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Natalie & Nathan's Photoshoot

Here's Nathan and Natalie at their photo shoot today. I think these turned out nice enough to use for Christmas cards, so you may see them again in the near future! 

Pictures with Cousins

There's nothing cuter than photogenic cousins with matching Christmas pajamas! It was tough to get them all to look at the camera at the same time, but they did great. We took quite a few pictures to get a few that turned out wonderful. They had a great time enjoying two holidays back to back!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Natalie's Cousin Cooper

Interview with Natalie & Cooper

Christmas before Thanksgiving

Nothing like celebrating the holidays early. Our family from Tennessee is here visiting during the break. Since we won't see them at Christmas we are celebrating early. Natalie and Cooper are really excited about it!


2 Monkeys in a Tree

Cooper and Natalie just hanging out.

Climbing Trees

One of Natalie's favorite activities is tree climbing when her cousin Cooper visits.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

All Shopped Out

This is what happens when you've been out shopping all day! It sure is exhausting!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Luncheon

Natalie and Tess

Natalie enjoyed a Thanksgiving luncheon today at school. She and her classmates got to dress up as Pilgrims and Indians.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Birthday Girl

No caption needed!

Part of the Birthday Crew

Natalie's after school play friends at her birthday party.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day Video

Natalie & Ethan at the Veteran's Day Ceremony

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Today Natalie took part in a Veteran's Day ceremony at school. One student from each kinder class was selected by their teacher to dress up in a military uniform and recite a line. Natalie's teacher chose her to dress up in a Navy uniform and recite, "The Navy protects the United States by sea." She did a great job speaking in front of the entire school!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Birthday Dinner Early

Natalie enjoyed a delicious Maggianos birthday dinner tonight. Yum!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dance Buds

Natalie and her friends in her Tuesday dance class.