Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Food Time!

Nathan is five months old, so he's been partaking in some foods other than his bottle. A couple of weeks ago he tried a brown rice cereal for the first time. He's on Alimentum formula so we were told to skip cereals altogether. However, we found one, called Happy Bellies, which is wheat free, gluten free, soy free, and dairy free that he's been doing well with eating. (It's really just ground up cardboard!) Last week he tried peas, and this week he is feasting on carrots. He seems to really love it all! Natalie even gets in on the act and asks to feed him once in a while. She doesn't like it when he tries to grab the spoon out of her hand, put his fingers in his mouth along with the spoon, and tries to eat his bib. It seems like he'll be a pretty good eater!

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