Friday, April 29, 2011

More Loose Teeth!

The tooth fairy is going to have to get prepared to fork over some serious cash here in the not so distant future! Natalie has a loose tooth on the bottom and the top. Time to hit the bank!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Natalie loves cascarones!

Basket of Eggs


Mark and Natalie with the basket of eggs.
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Friends at Easter


Natalie and Kamryn outside after church today.
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Yesterday Natalie and her friend Bella went to see the play "Charlotte's Web." Natalie's favorite character was the spider, Charlotte. Every time a play ends, the actors greet kids and sign autographs. Natalie has never expressed an interest in getting an autograph or having a picture taken, but yesterday was an exception. She asked to have her picture taken with Charlotte. So, after the play we waited in line to meet Charlotte and get her picture taken. Of course Charlotte was standing at the very end of the line so we had to greet Mr. Zuckerman, Fern, Wilbur, the sheep, goose, etc... before we got to her! They were all so kind to her, but Natalie wouldn't say a word to them. The only one she would talk to was Charlotte!
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Popcorn Fan


Natalie has to have popcorn every time she goes to the theater!
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs


Natalie and Bella dyed Easter eggs yesterday. They worked independently, although we did have to help them with the double sided sticker and glitter application slightly. It's still a project in the works.
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Digging a Hole to the Center of the Earth

Willie's Sandbox


Good times with Kamryn, Bella, and Kaitlyn at the sandbox at Willie's.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hi "Mom!"

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Old Navy Doggie

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Posing with "Pre-K" Old Navy Girl

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Outlet Shopping


Today was a beautiful day to spend outdoors shopping at the outlet mall! Truthfully are there really any bad days to shop?!

In this picture Natalie and Kamryn took a break from shopping to pose on a bench. They had a busy morning trying on clothes at Naartjie. Natalie and Kamryn went shopping on their own since the store was empty besides us. Natalie knew she was a size seven, so she spent her time searching through racks of clothes she liked in her size. When she couldn't find her size in an outfit she liked I overheard her ask the salesperson, "Excuse me, do you have this shirt in size seven?" This was all on her own without any adult help. Later I heard her ask the same lady, "Do you have this skirt in white in size seven?" Before we were leaving she thanked the salesperson for all of her help! That's my shopper!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Making Pancakes


Yesterday Natalie's friend Kamryn came over for a sleepover. The girls were so excited that they were on hyper overdrive! They had a great time together to say the least! In the morning they helped make pancakes for breakfast. They were delicious!
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Where do the Teeth Go?

Natalie answers everyone's burning question: What does the tooth fairy do with all of the teeth she collects?

Friday, April 15, 2011


Natalie's tooth, which has been loose for over a month, finally fell out tonight in the bath! Since she's such a light sleeper, her tooth went in a baggie and was left on her bathroom countertop. That way the tooth fairy can find it without waking her up. She has been fascinated with looking at her new smile in the mirror. She asked us a few times, "Am I too young to lose a tooth?" Evidently she's the perfect age.



Natalie got to give Peyton her bottle today. It is good practice for the future.
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Hat Day


Natalie's school had some special events last week: crazy sock day, team t-shirt day, hat day, and pajama day. Here she is on hat day showing off her purple hat and a heart she made.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today Natalie got to visit me at school at the tail end of our Fiesta party. She helped me with dismissal, keeping a tight grip on my hand the whole time. When that was done she enjoyed some nachossome and even got to tour a kinder classroom and meet kinder teachers. She seemed to have fun looking at the classroom, but they won her over when she got to take home a couple of Little Debbie snacks. Natalie's looking forward to school in the fall.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Loof Toof

Natalie's loose tooth is barely hanging on. In fact she can push it with her tongue all the way forward in her mouth. Mark tried to pull it out with gauze, but she was not a fan. He tried to get her to bite into an apple or a plum, but she refused. Before bed she said she wanted to keep her tooth so she can show it to her friends tomorrow. It's about time for that thing to come out!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kinder Registration

Lately Natalie has been asking how long it will be until she goes to kinder. To her, August seems like an eternity to wait! It happens to be registration time for current students who are returning next year, so I picked up her kinder registration packet in the office today. She'll be going to the same elementary school where I teach and she couldn't be more excited! After signing my life away and gathering all of the necessary documentation, her packet is complete and ready to be turned in tomorrow.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Strawberry Festival

Yesterday we went to a strawberry festival. Natalie and her friend Kamryn had a great time. They rode on a couple of rides, ate chocolate covered strawberries, participated in a balloon toss, visited the petting zoo and fed the animals, and had balloons made. I tried out the iphone video capabilities on my phone for the first time. The picture turned out to be pretty clear, so I hope it comes out okay on the blog. My iphone drops calls all the time, but at least it can shoot video correctly!

Speed Racer


Natalie loves "driving" the boats at Bass Pro Shop!