Sunday, April 17, 2011

Outlet Shopping


Today was a beautiful day to spend outdoors shopping at the outlet mall! Truthfully are there really any bad days to shop?!

In this picture Natalie and Kamryn took a break from shopping to pose on a bench. They had a busy morning trying on clothes at Naartjie. Natalie and Kamryn went shopping on their own since the store was empty besides us. Natalie knew she was a size seven, so she spent her time searching through racks of clothes she liked in her size. When she couldn't find her size in an outfit she liked I overheard her ask the salesperson, "Excuse me, do you have this shirt in size seven?" This was all on her own without any adult help. Later I heard her ask the same lady, "Do you have this skirt in white in size seven?" Before we were leaving she thanked the salesperson for all of her help! That's my shopper!
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