Saturday, May 14, 2011

Birthday Party


There's nothing Natalie loves more than birthday parties! Today she went to Chloe's Playdough party and had a good time. Her big accomplishment today was hitting the pinata so hard that she actually made a dent in it and caused a package of M&M's fall out. She was concerned, however, that the already filled goody bag that she was supposed to collect the candy in was filled too high and it wouldn't be able to hold much candy. So she smartly emptied the goody bag contents into Mark's pockets in order to leave sufficient space for her candy. She really thought that one through.

Her next favorite event at birthday parties is the cake/cupcakes. She strategically aligns herself close to the cake so she's sure to get her choice of pieces. Today was no exception.

At gift time she makes sure to be in the front row because she loves watching presents being opened. Speaking of gifts, we were out of tissue paper for Chloe's gift so we actually had to wrap the present in paper instead of putting it in a bag. Our choices were baby paper or leopard print, so we had to go wild and pick the leopard print. It was a wild looking gift, but at least it got wrapped.
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