Sunday, December 5, 2010

Model Homes

Our neighborhood is expanding yet again! This time they're adding approximately 600 new homes! I cannot imagine where they're going to put all of them, but they're going to squeeze them in somewhere. It's hard enough getting in and out of our neighborhood now, and when I picture hundreds more vehicles trying to exit and enter our area daily it makes me shudder. Be that as it may, we now have more model homes to view.

It's always fun to see how model homes are laid out and decorated, from the painting down to the interior design. We've got two beautiful models to tour and we checked both of them out. One is a large 3,500 square foot two story model. Natalie loved it. It features its own movie room, has a spacious kitchen, and one of the bedrooms upstairs contains a balcony. She loved that house so much we had to tour it twice! As we were touring it for the first time, Natalie ran over and dragged me to the laundry room. As she was showing me the room she said, "Feast your eyes on this!" The homebuilder's salespeople loved it and asked if she'd consider working for them! When I discussed a possible future career in realty with her she wasn't too happy about the prospect, but she certainly did a great job trying to "sell" the house to us. The second house isn't really worth mentioning really. It was nicely decorated, but way too small. It sure was fun looking!

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