Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Salt Lick & Outlet Mall

Today we decided to try out the GPS and take a road trip to Driftwood to eat at The Salt Lick, one of the best BBQ restaurants in Texas (if not THE best!) If you've never eaten there put it on your list of places to experience. It's worth the drive no matter where you live! If this isn't convincing enough for you, the show Man Versus Food filmed there several months back and raved about it. It's always important to get a great picture of the BBQ pit to remember the trip (and drool!)

Here are a couple of pictures of Mark and Natalie enjoying their meals. Natalie raved about the turkey and loved the beans too. We all shared a peach and blackberry cobbler for dessert. Ooh lah lah! Scrumptious!

We followed lunch up with a trip to the outlet mall in San Marcos. We weren't the only ones who had the same idea! It was swarming with people! Mark found some great deals at a men's clothing store for some work attire and Natalie snagged some bargains too! Gymboree had some 79 cent shorts and tanks - perfect for next summer! They had a lot of dresses marked down to $6.99 too - a steal for that store! She has about five new outfits and a pair of new pajamas. What a deal!

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