Sunday, October 30, 2011

BBQ with Neighbors

Trying out Car Seats

Nathan having fun trying out car seats at Babies R Us.

In My Swing

Nathan is in the outdoor swing for the first time. To Mark's dismay it has a "princess" sticker on the front of it. He's looking into a replacement.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Crazy Hair Day

It's hard to tell in this picture, but Friday was crazy hair day at school. Natalie had a braid, a pigtail, and a poofy hairdo on top of her head. She had fun looking at everyone with wild hair on Friday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This is How I Roll

Today Nathan rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time. He repeated it several times, so it wasn't just a fluke. He's picking his head up way off the blanket during tummy time too. Check out his roll and ignore the bad combover.

Rylee's 7th Bday Party

A Trip to the Corn Maize

On Saturday we went to a birthday party at the Corn Maize. Natalie had a blast! It was pretty dusty and really windy out there, so we were all tired by the time we left. Here's a video of her jumping on the Corn Popper.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nathan has Hands!

Nathan just discovered that he has hands this morning. He spent a while looking at them clasped together and had a puzzled look on his face the whole time!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Church Fall Festival

Pictures from our church fall festival from Saturday.

Max's Video

Max wanted his own video too.

Nathan Talking

Nathan loves to talk as you can see on this video clip.

Rocky's Video

Rocky wanted his own video too since the cat got a turn. Check out his yap.


Testing out video capabilities of our new handheld video recorder.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Natalie & Cassidy


Natalie is infatuated with Cassidy, one of my fourth graders. She goes crazy over her and speaks in a really nasally voice when she sees her. Cassidy walks her from my upstairs classroom down to her class most school mornings. It's not a good morning unless Cassidy is there to walk her to her room! Today there was a Trail-a-Thon after school and Cassidy was there, so Natalie was ecstatic. They waited in line for cotton candy and jumped in the moon bounce together. Cassidy would love to be her babysitter one day, and I'm willing to take her up on it!
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Kinder Crazy Sock Day


It was crazy sock day in kinder so Natalie wore one purple sock and one Halloween sock. They got to remove their shoes for the afternoon too.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Learning a Dance

Your eyes are not fooling you - Mark took this video from his phone and decided to change from landscape to portrait a couple of seconds into it. Natalie is learning her dance for competition. Each week her teacher asks us to video the moves or the dance they're learning. The song moves pretty fast and it's their first time learning it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Birthday Party


Natalie and her friends Dayna at Dayna's birthday party today.
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

3 Months Old


Nathan is three months old today!
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Natalie's Doctor Appointment

Second verse, same as the first. The same heatlth issues that plagued Natalie in the past have returned unfortunately. There was such a long span of months between the previous flare up and this one, but it's back. We finally got her in to see her specialist and we have started the same way we did before - with lab work. She was really a trooper through her blood draws today. She sat on my lap, I had her focus her attention away from the needle and reminded her to stay calm and breathe. There were no tears or anything. She will return to the pediatric GI doctor in early November unless something noticable that needs immediate attention is seen in the lab work.

I REALLY DON'T want to see her have to go through another colonoscopy just to have it come out normal again. I'd like to see them pursue other avenues such as a major food allergy, for example. There are lots of things out there that can cause the symptoms she's having. For now she is supposed to cut down on all dairy (not eliminate it), drink juices that begin with the letter p, add a yogurt to her diet with live, active cultures, eat lots of fruit, and take Miralax every other day. At the grocery store today we bought some yogurt, lots of fruit, and some pear juice. She wasn't thrilled with some of the juices that start with p - prune, pomegranate, or pineapple.

Please keep Natalie in your prayers. I hope this time they can tell us what may be wrong so we can work towards finding some way of helping her symptoms stop.