Saturday, October 8, 2011

Natalie's Doctor Appointment

Second verse, same as the first. The same heatlth issues that plagued Natalie in the past have returned unfortunately. There was such a long span of months between the previous flare up and this one, but it's back. We finally got her in to see her specialist and we have started the same way we did before - with lab work. She was really a trooper through her blood draws today. She sat on my lap, I had her focus her attention away from the needle and reminded her to stay calm and breathe. There were no tears or anything. She will return to the pediatric GI doctor in early November unless something noticable that needs immediate attention is seen in the lab work.

I REALLY DON'T want to see her have to go through another colonoscopy just to have it come out normal again. I'd like to see them pursue other avenues such as a major food allergy, for example. There are lots of things out there that can cause the symptoms she's having. For now she is supposed to cut down on all dairy (not eliminate it), drink juices that begin with the letter p, add a yogurt to her diet with live, active cultures, eat lots of fruit, and take Miralax every other day. At the grocery store today we bought some yogurt, lots of fruit, and some pear juice. She wasn't thrilled with some of the juices that start with p - prune, pomegranate, or pineapple.

Please keep Natalie in your prayers. I hope this time they can tell us what may be wrong so we can work towards finding some way of helping her symptoms stop.

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