Friday, August 13, 2010

Open House

We attended Natalie's open house tonight at her school. We met her morning and afternoon teachers, saw her classroom, dropped off her school supplies, and met the one and only other girl in the class, Addison. So far there are seven kids in the class and only two girls including Natalie. I hope they will get along. Otherwise she'll have to play with the boys (and I doubt she will be happy with that option.) Since we're new to the school we had to find out how we drop her off, where to pay, where to bring her medicine, what forms to fill out to have medicine administered, and where to pick her up. Everyone I have spoken to is happy with the Pre-K program and no one has ever said anything negative about the school. Abigail's mom, whose older daughter went to Pre-K there, says her daughter was over prepared for kinder thanks to the school. Natalie is looking forward to starting on Monday!

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