Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beach Vacation

We journeyed south this weekend for a beach vacation with our friends and neighbors Jason, Aissa, and Bella. The condo we rented in Corpus Christi was the size of a sardine canister. Luckily we were only there to sleep and were out the rest of the day. The Corpus Christi bay had a jellyfish invasion. Jason was stung twice and we decided the girls weren't going to get in and risk it. Jason caught a jellyfish in a bucket so Natalie and Bella could see what it looked like:

They didn't want anything to do with the jellyfish after seeing one! For the remaining beach experience we drove them to North Padre, where the sand is finer and where they could get in the water without fear of jellyfish. We made a mental note to stay there next time. Natalie had a great time making sand castles and jumping over small waves. She liked sitting and standing in the water until she learned about mollusks!

Natalie loves to ham it up in front of the camera and strikes a pose when she's getting a picture taken. Notice the slightly bent knee.

Making sand castles was a big hit.

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