Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prize Winner

Natalie won the sleeping prize today at Pre-K even though she didn't nap! She's the only one who hadn't won the prize out of the class. She was quiet and laying still so they decided to give it to her. They did mention that she never naps at Pre-K. Well...welcome to my world, people! There's been no napping for probably a year at least! It's nothing new!

In other news, her morning Pre-K teacher is getting moved to a different class next week because a teacher suddenly left. So Natalie will be getting a new teacher next week. The good news is there's a new girl in her class now so she has a couple of choices of girls to play with.

Today she got to show the Corduroy bear journal to her class and Corduroy even passed out Southwest peanuts to each kid.

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