Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Classroom Playdate

Today I picked Natalie up early from Pre-K and took her back to my school. I had an extremely long meeting to attend and was afraid I may not make it back to her school on time to pick her up. She was thrilled because it meant that she got to have a playdate with my co-worker's daughter, Riley. Riley is six and in kindergarten. She must want to be a teacher when she grows up because she had the classroom completely set up and ready to go for their playdate. Riley had made little centers for Natalie and herself. There was a make your own snowflake center, a foam sticker center, computer center, and watercolor center. There were probably even more that I didn't see!

Natalie had packed her own bag of snacks, games, coloring, and Barbies too, so they had plenty to do! When I got back to the room they were on the computers wearing headphones and creating pictures on a Christmas web site. Natalie had the best time playing with Riley and is ready to go back soon to play with her again!

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