Natalie visited the Candy Lounge on Saturday for Lauren's 4th birthday party and got to see her former teacher, Ms. Debbie. She had a lot of fun in this candy wonderland. She feasted on an array of candy, made a candy picture frame, played Bingo, licorice limbo, and musical chairs.

Mark is still plugging away at getting Natalie's bathroom done. He's made more progress since this picture was taken, but there's still work left to do. When he realized the vanity wasn't going to fit against the wall like it should, Daniel came over to help.

On Saturday Natalie and I went baking crazy and made snickerdoodles, oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, and sugar cookie cutouts. Natalie decorated all of the sugar cookies herself. She was using the sprinkles in moderation at first, and then by the end just started piling them on!

Natalie helped set the Christmas tree up and did most of the decorating herself. Yes, we have many ornaments at the bottom of the tree, but Oliver is happy about it!

On Sunday Mark and Nathaniel hung up Natalie's Christmas lights. I don't think rooftop light decorating makes his top 10 favorite Christmas activities list, but he's a good sport about it. It helps to have Nathaniel over lending him a hand. The beer doesn't hurt either.

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