Friday, November 19, 2010

Cougar on the Loose!

Today Natalie's daycare was on lockdown as well as the other nearby public schools due to a cougar escapee! There is a wild animal orphanage just down the street from her daycare that is home to many an exotic creature. A cougar evidently found a hole in the fence, escaped, and was roaming around the area of her daycare. There are lots of wooded places around it, so I'm sure he was just hanging out.

Coincidentally, today at my elementary school we were having career day. A police helicopter was one of the presenters, so the entire school gathered on the blacktop to watch it land. He landed next to the playground, but ended up not being able to stay to discuss his profession because he had to go hunt down a cougar!

The cougar was located by her daycare and shot with a dart gun so it could be taken back to the orphanage.

How often does a police helicopter land at your school? How often does a cougar escape and roam around your community? Two interesting happenings all in one day!

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