Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Rodeo!

We spent the day at the rodeo grounds, watched the rodeo, and saw Lady Antebellum perform. Natalie has visited the rodeo grounds before, but had never seen a rodeo or concert until today. On the rodeo grounds she loved seeing the animals. She even watched several cows getting milked. Shamu was there dressed up as a cowboy and she was thrilled to give him a high five. Last year she had ridden a pony (one that's hooked up to a circular contraption and walks in a circle) and was dying to go on the ride again. That was the highlight of the rodeo grounds for her.

At the rodeo she enjoyed watching the cowboys get bucked off of their horses, but her favorite part was the bull riding. She was also fascinated by the mutton bustin' and says she'd like to participate next year. Somehow I just can't see her trying to hang onto a sheep for dear life, but she seemed convinced and willing to try it.

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