Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

When I picked Natalie up from school today I informed her that after dinner we'd be returning to school for a parent teacher conference. She almost leaped out of her seat in excitement and anticipation of returning to school. She loves it! She made sure to eat quickly so she could get back and hopefully do some art. I think the girl would spend the night at school if we let her! The conference went a little past their closing time, so one of the ladies that works in the office brought Natalie around the building to help turn off the lights. It was good for her to see all of the kids get picked up and go home and that the teachers go home too. Sometimes I think she believes people are there all day and night! We talked about why all the lights were turned off and that all the students and teachers go home at the end of the day. She told me about the cookie stash in the office. It was a big deal for her to be such a great helper.

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