Friday, August 26, 2011

2 Month Appointment Early

Nathan is only 7 weeks and had his 2 month pediatrician appointment today. If you do the math it doesn't make any sense! His pediatrician saw him early because he needed to get shots to start daycare. (Everyone in the office was confused about the 2 month appointment too.)

The doctor decided to change Nathan's formula from soy to...alimentum. That's the same stuff Natalie was on due to her milk protein allergy as an infant. It's expensive and stinky! We'll shell out a small fortune for it over the next year believe me. Luckily we can buy it in bulk from and save some money through Amazon mom, but that's our only saving grace. He was having an allergic reaction to the soy which was evident by the dry skin on his forehead. He was pretty fussy before bedtime when getting fed and had gained too much weight. Hopefully this new formula will help him in the weight department and make him feel better.

It was also determined that he has an umbilical hernia just like his sister. We'll wait until age three to see if it has healed on its own. If not, he'll see a specialist who will surgically correct it. We've been through it before and understand the entire process. The hardest part is after the surgery when the kid isn't supposed to run around, etc... It's hard to ask a three year old to stay still.

Nathan will see a pediatric urologist at the end of September about his hydronephrosis (dilated kidney). Who knows what that treatment will entail. As it is right now he takes a daily antibiotic for supression. It's not supposed to have an effect on his immune system because it's being given in such a low dose. It may actually help him prevent ear infections though. (Natalie had tubes at 8 months due to back to back ear infections and I've heard it's heredetary.)

He'll go back to his pediatrician again in November for a four month appointment.

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