Friday, August 26, 2011

1st Week of School

Natalie had a great first week of school! Every afternoon whem she got home she asked me to take her back to school! She loves her teacher, is getting used to the routine, and has made some best friends (although she cannot remember their names!) There's a girl who sits at her table in the classroom who is her "best friend" and every morning Natalie asks me, "What's my best friend's name again?"

Since I'm on maternity leave I have to take advantage of the time I have. Today I went to school to eat lunch with Natalie. I know I won't have that opportunity once I go back to work. I bought her a Subway lunch and we ate together at the parent table. We had a nice lunch but were interrupted a lot with teachers and custodians coming to our table to talk and see Nathan. Natha drank a bottle through most of lunch which didn't give me a lot of time to eat, but that was okay. We still had fun.

Natalie got a star each day in her behavior chart and got to visit the treasure box. She's so enthralled by the chart that she set up a behavior chart for our dog, Max. He has to "be good" all day to earn stars and he's rewarded with a treat. If you know Max he's not all that well behaved and will probably not be earning his daily treat by Natalie's standards.

She also had her first speech class which she was thrilled about! They're going to play games and earn prizes. That sounds like it's right up her alley! She even told me tonight that she couldn't wait until Monday because she was going to speech class.
I'm glad she had a great first week.

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