Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Houston Trip


This past weekend we decided to take a trip to Houston. We visited the Houston Space Center on Saturday. Natalie seemed to enjoy parts of the Space Center, but wasn't thrilled with it. Maybe it was the fact that she was so tired. I think if she went back in a few years she would appreciate it more. We went on a 90 minute train ride where we got a tour of the grounds. We mainly drove past buildings and they explained what they did in each one. We were able to get out and tour the facility they use to train astronauts. We saw the astronaut memorial area where they honor fallen astronauts by planting trees. I enjoyed seeing it at least. I guess it's hard to appreciate it when you're five! She played a little in the space center when we returned and did some hands on activities and then we left.

That evening we walked from our hotel to the Galleria Mall. I think I could have stayed there all weekend! We ate dinner there, looked at The Microsoft Store, and shopped at the Hello Kitty store. I could have spent the evening in the 7 for All Mankind store!!

The following day we went to the Houston Aquarium. It has to be the best designed aquarium I've ever seen. It's not huge, but it's so well decorated and designed. Natalie was sick of looking at fish and ended up in time out in the middle of the aquarium. Her tune changed once we got close to the end of the aquarium and viewed a white tiger. He seemed to not appreciate the smaller aquarium patrons as he would pace and lunge at some (good thing there was a large piece of glass between us!) On the aquarium grounds there's a train ride that takes you to an enclosed shark area. Sharks swim all around you (again - enclosed in glass) as you watch from the train. At the end of the ride a fake shark leaps out of the water. Natalie just about jumped out of her seat! They had a few rides too. We went on the carousel together. Afterwards we ate at the aquarium's restaurant. The meal was pretty good, but we were freaked out halfway through lunch by a woman screaming "help!" at the top of her lungs. We didn't know what was going on! It turns out her young son was choking on something he had eaten. A woman at the table next to us got up and administered the Heimlich maneuver on him and saved his life. The woman said it was the third time she'd done that at a restaurant! How lucky she was sitting so close to the boy!

It was nice to get out of town for a while and see some new sights. I'd definitely make a return trip anytime! I'd stay in the same hotel and just visit the mall though!

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