Monday, August 22, 2011

Natalie's First Day of Kinder


Today is Natalie's first day of kinder! This is what I like to call the second best day of the school year (the last day of school definitely ranks as number one!) She was so excited and nervous about her first day. Last night she woke up several times asking if it was time to wake up to go to school. Once she arrived at school she got to meet the school's namesake and the principal who greeted and spoke to her at the door. She found her classroom and where she's supposed to sit in the hallway. We were going to leave but she asked us to stay until the first bell rang. It was strange for me to be at my own workplace as a parent and not as a teacher. I am officially one of "those parents" now that hangs out in the hallway before school. Ugh!
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