Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mother Goose

Today Mother Goose visited Natalie's Pre-K. She thought Mother Goose would actually be a goose, but it turned out that it was the director of the daycare who dressed up. I was only able to get a couple of pieces of information out of her about the experience. Number one: Mother Goose wore a hat. Number two: No one knew any of the words to her songs. So, I'm not sure it was a rave review, but she probably had more fun than she let on.

After I picked her up from Pre-K I had to run to our district's human resources office to get a new ID badge made for my new school. Natalie was not thrilled to go along to say the least. She was pouting in the car and doing her mad walk. Everything changed when she got inside the office and the ladies gave her lots of attention. Then one of the ladies said she had something for Natalie that she would like: a lollipop. The attitude sure changed quickly and the frown turned upside down. She was a happy camper! She remembers who gives her treats so I'm sure she'll be asking to go back again soon.

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