Today was a special day for Natalie because she got to pick a green pepper from a plant that she planted with her Poppy. At dinner she took one small bite of it and didn't like it much, but she was proud that she had picked it.
One of the veggies that is grown at Natalie's Poppy's house is carrots. Natalie doesn't want anything to do with carrots (or most vegetables in general), but she is happy to help pick them.
Natalie took a few of those carrots she picked across the street to some horses that belong to the neighbors. She was a little intimidated to feed them, but with some guidance from Poppy she fed them quickly and then backed away once the horses grabbed the carrots. One of the horses stole a carrot right out of the other horse's mouth. I think it's the horse's extra large teeth that are kind of scary. Their chompers look like they could do some damage!
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