She's been doing well on her medicine this summer and has been fine with sunblock applied every hour, so we discussed getting zoo passes. Of course she was in the room when we were talking about it, so I spelled the word zoo so she wouldn't know what we were saying. She immediately said, "I want to go to the zoo!" So, now that she can spell I guess Mark is going to have to learn Spanish!
A couple of summers ago we had passes to the zoo and used to take her often, however, she has no memory of ever having been there. So, when we took her today it was like she was going for the first time. She loved looking at all of the animals. Her favorites seemed to be the elephant and the gibbons. The gibbons swung all over their cage and one of them had a little baby gibbon hanging onto its mom while it was swinging and climbing. They really made her laugh. I sprayed her down with sunblock every hour, and we made sure to go early enough in the morning so we could leave by lunchtime when it was really getting hot.
Natalie and Mark
We fed nectar to the few lorikeets that were hungry. These guys must be fed all day long because they didn't seem to have much of an appetite.
A girl's gotta have her essentials along! I didn't notice she had "packed" a lipgloss until she climbed up to see the Nile Crocodile!
Excited to be at the z-o-o.
The elephants were one of Natalie's favorite zoo animals.
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