Tuesday, July 27, 2010

She's Got the Shopping Gene

Yesterday Natalie and I spent a record three and a half hours in one store - Target! Natalie looked at pajamas and tried on headbands, cowgirl boots, and shoes. She spent a lot of time in toys telling me her list of items she'd like for her birthday. (She's been counting down until her birthday since March or April.) The list is extensive; pretty much one of everything in the girl toy aisles! We spent the majority of our time in the school supply section so I could look at things I needed to get for the fall. (Not that I truly wanted to look, but the selection was right as well as the price.) Natalie ended up getting quite a few school materials for herself even though she won't be going to kinder for another year. All of that shopping was exhausting! (I know - WAH!)


  1. You will have to share her list with me so I know what to get her for her birthday! Cooper says he wants to visit Natalie for her birthday like she did for his. Not sure how we will make that work though!

    I love how she had to pack her lipgloss for the zoo!

  2. Literally her list is about 2 of the girl aisles at Target! I think she liked every single thing she saw! :) That's nice that Cooper wants to go to her birthday. Maybe he can just Skype with her if he can't make it.
