Monday, January 10, 2011

Flu Shot Drama

Today was Natalie's 5 year checkup with her pediatrician. I know she turned 5 two months ago, but one year I called too late for an appointment and was given January and now I cannnot switch back to November due to insurance purposes.

Natalie's grown 3 1/2 inches since her last visit a year ago, which seems like a lot to me. Her pediatrician swore she looked like a first grader. Her weight and height are in the 75th percentile and everything else looks good. It's nice to have a regular boring doctor's visit once in a while!

There aren't any shots at five, but we opted for the flu vaccination. This year the booster is combined with H1N1 all in one shot so it's more convenient. There was major arm drama afterwards. She couldn't eat with that hand or do much with it, and of course at bath time she could only wash from her elbow down so as not to disturb the bandaid. She really loves the pink cammo bandaid and, of course, doesn't want it to fall off. I told her eventually it would come off. Only time will tell if there's more arm drama tomorrow.

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