Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Visit to the Dentist

It seems all we do during the school year is go to medical appointments! Today Natalie had her regular six month dental cleaning. She complained about going, but was an angel once we arrived. The staff is always so personable and friendly to her and she eats up the attention. She was great through her x-rays and cleanings and didn't even whine during her flouride treatment, although it didn't appear that she liked having the fluffy white stuff rubbed on her teeth. The dental assistant noticed that her bottom two front teeth are ever so slightly loose. That was exciting news to Natalie as she looks forward to the day she looses a tooth.

At the end of her appointment she picked out her favorite color toothbrush (purple) and a plastic toy lizard. As we walked out to the car she mentioned she was glad it was all over.


  1. She survived! Children's dentistry has changed from what I remember... when I took Cooper to his last appointment I was amazed. Video games in the waiting room, movies playing on tv's mounted on the ceilings in the exam areas. Balloon animals and prizes when it's all done. No wonder Cooper doesn't complain about going to the dentist!

    I like the new header too! Cute pictures!

  2. Natalie's lucky just to choose a prize at the end of the visit. There aren't any fancy bells and whistles. I almost wish they wouldn't cater to kids like that. They expect everything to be fun and entertaining 24/7!
