Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Roundup

The weekend adventures started at everyone's favorite home improvement store, Lowe's where we were looking for a new faucet for our kitchen sink. I know...exciting! We found one we liked that was marked at $118, but couldn't locate it on the shelf. When Mark asked an employee he discovered it was mispriced. It was actually $218, quite a large difference. After some negotiation with the manager we ended up paying the lesser price on the faucet. Now we just have to figure out how to install it and the new/used sink we have. That is not my area of expertise!

Natalie started learning her new dance routine for her June recital on Saturday. Since they tap danced at the Christmas recital she and her class will be doing a ballet routine. She seems to be excited about it.

This morning we ate at The Magnolia Pancake Haus. It was scrumptious! The pancakes were fabulous as was everything else. Natalie and I shared the silver dollar pancakes and she ended up eating more than I did! I think she's going through a growth spurt.

One of the highlights of Natalie's weekend was buying pink cowgirl boots. Last year she wanted a pair, but her feet just weren't big enough yet. This year her feet fit into a pair perfectly. The rodeo is coming up and she has a stock show event at her school where she gets to "show" a farm animal. She'll wear her boots for that event. We bought rodeo tickets and are taking her for the first time in a couple of weeks. We thought the pink cowgirl boots would be a nice addition to her rodeo wardrobe. She'll get to see an actual rodeo that day plus stay for her first concert, Lady Antebellum. We bought her the CD today so she would recognize some of the songs they sing and hopefully enjoy the concert. She has a lot of things to look forward to!


  1. Cooper loves Lady Antebellum. He calls "Need You Now" "Quarter After One" and says its his favorite song. :)

  2. Nat sings to that one too. Not sure if I want her learning all the lyrics to it though. It's kind of a drunk booty call song! But it's a catchy tune!
