Monday, January 17, 2011


What better way to spend MLK Day then going to everyone's favorite cardboard pizza place, Chuck E. Cheese's! Natalie and I met Ethan and Grace, two of her friends, at the horrible cheese place to spend some quality time playing. The place isn't actually so bad at 9 am. We practically had the place to ourselves, there weren't any obnoxious birthday parties going on, and you could actually have a normal conversation. Amazing! Natalie had a blast playing games with her friends. We left before it started getting crowded and the hideous smell of cardboard pizza littered the air.

Since it was a halfway nice day today without any rain, Natalie got to spend some time outdoors playing on her jungle gym, riding her scooter, and bike. She even fit a short playdate in with our neighbor.

Extra vacation days make me not want to go back to work too badly. This is the last vacation day until spring break. It's going to be a looooong stretch!

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