Monday, June 14, 2010


This morning Natalie had her colonoscopy. We have now ruled out polyps, but there are still many things that it could be. They did a biopsy and will have the results on Friday at her followup appointment. The list of could be diagnosis includes: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (which includes Crohn's and ulcerative colitis), proctitis, or some type of infection. The doctor said on a scale of 1-10 for severity it's a 1(mild.) I don't know if that's really good news or not. It's too hard to tell at this point.

Natalie was such a trooper today through everything. She got compliments from all of the nurses on what a good patient she was. One of the nurses wanted her to come to the hospital to train other kids on how to behave and what to expect at their hospital visit. Her anesthesiologist praised us highly on what a mature, well adjusted, sweet, and well prepared child she is.

Today Natalie talked about wanting a hot dog on a bun with ketchup in the middle. I think she let every nurse know who she came in contact with. So, tonight we made sure she had one. She was thriled!

Natalie and I looked at her colonoscopy pictures and talked about what might happen on Friday. I think she has some understanding of what is going on. She is more concerned about the heart monitor patches that they left on her. Those things are so sticky that I don't know how we're going to be able to take them off of her! She hates having even a bandaid removed so this should be fun.

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