Friday, June 18, 2010

followup visit

Today was Natalie's followup appointment for her colonoscopy on Monday. The testing revealed that she has proctitis (inflammation of the rectum.) It is a very mild case and going on medication may help clear it up and make the bleeding stop. She had to get more blood drawn today and give them a stool sample. The blood tests she did were CBC (red and white blood platelets and anemia), ESR (inflammation), and IBD. Once the results of the blood work and the stool sample come back she can start the medication, Sulfasalazine.
She'll keep taking the meds through September at least and then go back to the pediatric GI doctor for another visit. At that time we'll see if the bleeding has stopped and move on from there. The doctor said that in some cases bleeding does stop. He may also have to do a flexible sigmoidoscopy to check to see if the inflammation is still present. This is just a wait and see what happens kind of thing. In some cases inflammation goes away and sometimes it develops into something more. At least we have some answers and a plan.


  1. Is the medicine an antibiotic? If so, is it a 'sulfa'? That's the type that they have told us that Cooper is possibly allergic too after he was hospitalized last summer in Boston. We don't know for sure, but to be safe we always have to say 'no sulfa' for medicines/allergies.

  2. I don't think it's considered to be an antibiotic. The doctor said some kids have allergic reactions to it like rashes and things. We'll just have to watch her to see if that happens. I think it's an anti-inflammatory. I should read more about it I guess.
