Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Natalie began the day with an exciting trip to the Cracker Barrel. She wasn't excited about going at first, but then when she saw the store inside and all of the toys she was glad she was there. After breakfast she picked out one of those weasels on a ball that rolls. The dogs and cat were just mildly amused by it. I don't think any of them will attack it, although Oliver might bat at it.

Natalie gave her daddy his gift today: pictures we had taken of us secretly last Wednesday. She did a great job keeping the secret for so many days. I will try to post some of the pictures later. He also got a new wallet.

We spent part of the day at Poppy and Grandma's house. She picked wildflowers, played with toys, rode her bike, and threw Shatze's stuffed frog for him. She was exhausted when we left and actually fell asleep in the car. I don't know how anyone can actually sleep all bent over like that!


  1. Cooper fell asleep in the car on the way home from lunch with our friends today too.

    Cooper originally wanted to go to Cracker Barrell for breakfast, but mean mommy made him stay home and eat homemade french toast :)

    Happy Father's Day to Mark! Hope he's feeling better after surgery.

  2. You are really mean!!! :) Mark is feeling a lot better. He's attempting to go to work today. Happy Father's Day to Ben too.
