Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Natalie's first day at Pre-K

Natalie had an exciting day today. It was her first day of summer Pre-k! She was so excited to go and meet her new teacher and friends. There are eight kids in her class this summer and her teacher is Ms. Emily. It looks like she is going to have a lot of fun this summer because they have so many exciting events planned. HEBuddy is coming one day, they're having a picnic on Thursday, an older class will put on a circus for the younger kids, the VIA bus is coming to give rides, they'll have a dino dig, a petting zoo will visit as well as Mother Goose. They have show and tell every Thursday along with spirit day. We have the t-shirt all washed and ready to go for Thursday already.

Natalie is having a busy busy summer! Tomorrow she's going to Vacation Bible School. She doesn't understand why people would really want to know what she's doing! She says it's a secret!


  1. Thanks! We will try to make it look as nice as yours does, but we may need some tips!
