Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jello, broth, and popsicles

Prepping for a colonoscopy with a four year is not much fun. All she can eat is jello, broth, and popsicles. Everything must be sugar free and nothing red or purple. That narrows it down to peach, orange, lime, and lemon jello. Broth choices are vegetable or chicken and she will only drink it with a straw. Whatever works! We were only able to find orange sugar free popsicles. Everything else in sugar free is the wrong color. Drink choices are water (which doesn't taste too good with MiraLax mixed in), sugar free lemonade, or an orange sugar free drink. Yum. Mark and I aren't eating in front of her so that she doesn't feel so bad. In other words we are all hungry and we still have one more day of this. Her procedure is Monday morning and we have to be there at 6:00 am. This weekend cannot go fast enough!

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