Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last day of dance

Today was Natalie's last day of dance class for the year. She still has her dance rehearsal and recital left to go though. In dance today Natalie's class performed their dance in front of the girls in the class next door and vice versa. Then they all practiced their final dance of the evening, "We are Family." Their recital doesn't start until 7 pm and won't end until 9 something...way past Natalie's bedtime. I volunteered to be one of the moms backstage so I guess I can always bring her night night and pillow if she wants to lay down (yeah right.)


  1. I am pretty sure she won't be sleeping backstage with all that going on for her recital! :)

  2. I doubt it. It's just soooo late. Oh well. I guess it's summer.
