Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fiesta Farms

Today Natalie and I took a trip to the farm - Fiesta Farms that is! They have a ton of different animals out there: llamas, goats, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs (and 8 baby pigs too), chickens, turkeys, horses, dogs, peacocks, and emus. Natalie fed the sheep, goats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. She got to hold a rabbit, although it wiggled quite a bit. She listened to a peacock squak and make all kinds of noise. One of the baby pigs escaped from his cage and was so excited to be running around outside. He was squealing and having all kinds of fun. We met up with Jana and Lauren and the girls played on the multiple playgrounds, took a hay ride, and rode the horses. It was a lot of fun, just really hot and humid!

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